
Based on use of smartphones, tablets, tags and social networks, #InvasioniDigitali (#DigitalInvasions) is an Italian bottom up project born in 2013.

The occasion for its birth was the cancellation, for economic reasons, of the “Culture Week” event, promoted by the Italian Ministry of Culture since 1998.

The first edition (April 20-28 2013) has been able to grow across the country thanks to networks of people and partners. Understanding the change in users’ role and the social platforms spread, mobs of people have joined the Manifesto (link alla pagina Manifesto) and decided to support Italy’s cultural institutions by “invading” them with cameras, smartphones and tablets to live and tell the world their personal story through web and social media.

330 “digital planned invasions” were organized. Each invasion was a mini-sociodigital event in itself with its own poster, its event on Facebook, its specific hashtag pulled alongside to the official ones.

The 2nd edition (April 24 – May 4 2014) involved other continents: some of the 407 invasions were organized in other European countries and overseas. The third edition (April 24 – May 3 2015) had 474 invasions, some organized in other European countries and overseas and so on every year until 2019!

Today more than 2000 invasions were organized and about 50,000 people were involved across the countries.